Fantage Alayna XAT Amys winning background!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

STOP NONS VS. MEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

READ FIRST!:YOU!Yeah YOU!You need to help us STOP Nons VS. Mems!This is going too far!All you mems are being mean to nons!Most of my BFFs are NONS!!!And im not really sure but Sukura123 (creator of the best website ever next to fantage; even be a non!Cmon!We can all make peace!They are just the same as us mems only they dont have a membership!Everyone non is nice!(almost)If your mean to them they will be mean back!If they ask you to be your friend (if you list isnt full) say yes!Im sure they are nice!They would of never even asked you if they werent nice!And you ALL were nons the first day.Like someone else said,"Why would you get a membership the second you go on,if you dont even no if you like the game or not?Its just a big lie."Everyone has been lying about that,WE NEED TO STOP NONS VS. MEMS!If your not inspired enough by my video,(kinda of messed up) then go on youtube,and look at more.That is were i got MY inspiration to stop this!I tried to add music in WMM but it wouldnt let me.I was gonna add Who says and I wont apologize both by SELENA GOMEZ but i couldnt even put the video!So i downloaded the music for nothing.-_-Okaii thanks for listening!Enjoy!AND HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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