Fantage Alayna XAT Amys winning background!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

LOTS OF STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wellllllllllllllll,i miss ya guys!xDDDD well as you all know i have meh drama series right?well....i forgot to put the 2nd and 3rd episode of it soooo here it is:

Magic;Or Is it?Episode 2:Its What Now?!

Magic;Or Is It?Episode 3-The Search Begins(I think its the best one yet ;) )
Oh and try to ignore the funny parts that arent really funny and parts that arent supposed to be in there and the random people and the buddy requests and the people talking french owo lol

IK that its ALONG time after christmas lol but this is the first time i watched the vid and its very sweet.I think you are gonna love it.And if you dont watch lovetsruck on oyutube,YOU BETTER!THERE ARE ALREADY 3 SEASONS!!U BETTER WATCH IT!!!!!!!LOL

Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,i was bored so i made this vid with meh friend fluff!lol.ENJOY THE RANDOMNESS!

Here ish a small tour of fantage france on how its diff from regular fantage and a little randomness.

Also,I DIDNT HAVE SKOOL ON FRIDAY DUE TO THE SNOWSTORM THING!We were expected to get from  3-7 inches of snow but it melted owo.BUT STILL,NO SKOOL!!!xDDD

Well,fast thing.My blog is kinda like my personal youtube because i can put all my vids on it.I cant put my vids on youtube bcuz it  ever let me log in.So sowwie.OwO.but if u wanna see meh youtubes ish: or someone hacked my fantagesalayna687 user so ya.

Well,i'm thinking of doing a song for an fmv.I think i want it to be a song by the Cheetah Girls because i like them and u no they broke up :( but anyway.I LOVE this song.Its called Fuego.Listen to it a few times and then comment on rather I should do the song or not.THANKS!xD

Also,there is this really funny vid on youtube.Its kalled Count to New Years (Fantage funny movie).I cant post it on my web cuz there are bad words owo.So only watch it if you can listen to bad words woo.But its HILARIOUIS!xDDD


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