Fantage Alayna XAT Amys winning background!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hey people!! Theres an all new GAME at fantage school!! Now you can have private classrooms,and go upstairs!!!There are also Limited Items!!!Play the chess game,and get prizes!!!Btw up there are the limited items.ZOOM IN!!!!!All boys and girls get the different chess pieces!!!!Well,even when its over,you can still play the chess game at the fanatge school,UPSTAIRS!!!WOOT!

Sorry about this guys.......

Well,i cant put the posts in order so SORRY ABOUT THT!!Baii

Saturday, September 17, 2011

My friendz together with me!!!!




You need to know i will change it all the time!


If anyone has any requests of a video or any pictures of people or just have any questions for me tell me! I got time! I'll try to get to all of ur requests/questions if i can.Most pictures i post will probably be of famous people or fantage.Soo yeah.I can show pics of my inventory or vids too.SO YEAH PEOPLE!!!!!!


Hey yall!!This is a website about just different thigns that are going on in my life xP.Sooo yeah I am Alayna and i go on fanatge as you can see which is the ebst website EVER!!And I want you all to follow me on here and see my updates and this website is like secret so special people ONLY can see this.Thats right SPECIAL PEOPLE ONLY!!!!!!Im watching you if your not special -_-.Lol okaii well i hope you enjoy this.My title is selena gomez cuz shes like my IDOL and shes awesome xDD okaii so yeah SIGN UP PEOPLE and remember....ONLY IF YOUR SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=)

A little about me........xPP

Okaii so as you all know my name is of course the one and only ALAYNA!!!! (applause)lol okaii so i got tons of friendz i go to meep meep meep academy rofl.My favorite color is pink.My favorite singer/actress is SELENA GOMEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I go on the best website ever..FANTAGE.Some of the websites i go on mostly would,,,and ENOUGH about me.TELL ME ABOUT YOU!!!!!!Yeah thats right...YOU!!! Y-O-U!LOL (waiting) no comments?! okaii i guess more about me xP!Okaii so um My youtube names are fantagealayna687 and vids =( long story and some people you should subscribe to are....fantageastrorocks,alainnarocks,fantagekittens08,zeldazlove64(christinag grimmie)fnatagechandriler,(ps i said tht one right lol)and SelGomez.AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If you want to see my youtube you can go to or so um imma go now.....................BAIIZ!!!=)

Some kewlio pics!!=)

This is something i made with Zendaya pictures!! WOOT DA WOOT!!!!